
Photos and Videos from Ventriloquists Gathering

Here are some photos and videos from a ventriloquists gathering a few weeks ago. Enjoy.

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Opening a New Supper Club

Many friends have asked to let them know when we will be performing at performance that is open to the public. Join Hugo and me and our friends at the opening of this new supper club . It also happens to be my birthday…..Ed Thomas.

Hugo Talks About the 2016 Election

Ed Thomas and Hugo Accepting the ALS Challenge

Meet Shecky White The K-9 Comedian


Meet Shecky White The K-9 Comedian.. He will be opening all my shows with me.

Ed Thomas on Where Babies Come From!

My oldest grandson asked me if it was true that man comes from dust and goes to dust. I replied, Yes I have heard that but why do you ask? He said that someone is either coming or going under his bed.

My 8 yr. old grandson wanted to know where babies come from. He said, “Where did I come from?” I looked him straight in the eye and said, “The stock delivered you.” “Where did daddy come from?” “We found him under a cabbage leaf?” “Where did you come from?” I came from a seed in the garden. The next day he told his teacher, “You know we haven’t had a normal child birth in our family for three generations.”

Little Luke hearing all this talk was out in the yard and found a little seed. He picked it up and took it in the house and placed it under the corner of a rug. The next day he was passing by and pulled the corner of the rug up and a little bug walked out. He looked at that bug and said, “You know that if you were not my son I would step on you.”

Ed Thomas On Getting Old And CHURCH

I find as we reach retirement age we start to get involved with the church. I asked my pastor, Rev. Dan why so many old people go to church. He said he thinks they are cramming for the final exam. He said you know Ed you should start thinking about the here after your self. I said that I do all the time. Why just this morning I went to the garage and stood there for a while and finally said, what the heck am I here after?

I took my little grandson, Luke to church with me a couple weeks ago. After the service he stood in the hall looking at all the plaques on the wall. He said, Grandpa what are all names on this list. I explained it was a list of everyone who had died in the service. He said, the 9:30 or the 11o’clock ? While we were standing there, Rev Dan came over to say hi to Luke. Luke looked up at him and said Rev., when I get older and earn a lot of money I am going to give a lot of it to you. Rev. Dan looked down at him and said because Grandpa says that you are the poorest minister that they have ever had in this church. I grabbed Luke’s hand and made a hasty retreat.

Until next time, remember that you don’t stop laughing because you’re getting old, you get old when you stop laughing. Remember also when ever you do a good deed to keep the receipt in case Heaven is like the IRS.

  • Ed Thomas and Hugo

    Ventriloquist Ed Thomas and Hugo
    Ed Thomas and Hugo

  • About Ed Thomas

    Since 1947, Ed Thomas and Hugo have been entertaining theater audiences and TV views throughout the United States. They were the first ventriloquist act to perform on TV in the State of Maine.

    They headlined at Fairs, Conventions, Home shows, Sports shows, etc. The pair has appeared on many talk shows and were regular guests on the Sunnydale Farm Show. They have also appeared in many TV commercials.

    Dr. Horace P. Goodfellow is a humorist and storyteller character created by Ed Thomas. ‘Doc Goodfellow’ has been featured on radio and TV as well as banquets and conventions throughout the United States and Canada. His stories of the “goings on” in his little town of Potato Bend, Maine, have been carried in newspapers throughout New England.

  • Book Your Next Event

    Call Ed Thomas Direct

    Ed:  (407) 332-7233

    Hugo:  (407) 463-9863

  • Book You Next Event

    Call Ed Thomas Direct

    Ed:  (407) 332-7233

    Hugo:  (407) 463-9863

    About Ed Thomas

    Since 1947, Ed Thomas and Hugo have been entertaining theater audiences and TV views throughout the United States. They were the first ventriloquist act to perform on TV in the State of Maine.

    They headlined at Fairs, Conventions, Home shows, Sports shows, etc. The pair has appeared on many talk shows and were regular guests on the Sunnydale Farm Show. They have also appeared in many TV commercials.

    Dr. Horace P. Goodfellow is a humorist and storyteller character created by Ed Thomas. ‘Doc Goodfellow’ has been featured on radio and TV as well as banquets and conventions throughout the United States and Canada. His stories of the “goings on” in his little town of Potato Bend, Maine, have been carried in newspapers throughout New England.

    Copyright © 2012 Ventriloquist Ed Thomas and Hugo. All Rights Reserved.
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